
The SDDP Responds to Calls from S.D. Republicans for Donald Trump to Withdraw from Presidential Race

The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement in response to the calls from various South Dakota Republicans for Republican nominee for president Donald Trump to withdraw from the race due to his lewd remarks in a 2005 video released yesterday:
     “It is about time that Republican leaders in South Dakota held Donald Trump accountable for his behavior. At the same time, these calls for Trump to withdraw raise several questions: First, what took so long? Why did they not denounce Trump before this, due to his many racist, misogynistic, and generally outrageous statements?
     “Second, where are similar denunciations from Sen. Rounds and Rep. Noem? Rep. Noem has called Trumps remarks “repulsive,” but she has not yet called on him to withdraw. Do Rep. Noem and Sen. Rounds still support Trump’s candidacy? Do they think their colleagues are wrong for calling on Trump to withdraw?
     “Finally, if Trump does not withdraw, which he claims he has no intention of doing, who will these Republicans vote for in the presidential race? Will they still vote for Trump or someone else? South Dakota voters deserve the answers to these questions, as well as where each and every Republican candidate and elected official stands on this issue. A failure to revoke support for Trump is tantamount to accepting Trump’s shocking and horrifying statements as appropriate and would mean putting party loyalty over common decency.”