JUNE 24, 2022
South Dakota Democratic Party Statement on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization
Sioux Falls – The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement today with regard to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade:
Today’s Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade immediately enacts South Dakota’s trigger laws making abortion illegal no matter the circumstance. South Dakotans have shown at the ballot box that they do not support a ban on abortion, but Kristi Noem and Republican officials continue to enact an extreme, out-of-touch agenda.
Last year, Kristi Noem told the Argus Leader she opposes abortion with no exceptions, including cases of rape and incest: “Noem told the Argus Leader this week that she is an absolutist on the [abortion], not even compromising in the event of rape or incest.”
Kristi Noem’s extremist views are out-of-line with most South Dakotans and put partisan goals above common sense. While Kristi Noem claims to be a champion for freedom, in reality, she’s the number one advocate for controlling the lives of South Dakotans.
All South Dakotans deserve the freedom to make their own healthcare decisions – including the choice to have an abortion. Reproductive rights are on the ballot in November and South Dakotans will make their voice heard. Kristi Noem and Republicans will have to answer to voters for their attacks on reproductive freedom.
It’s time to elect Democrats who will defend South Dakotans’ right to basic and necessary health care services.