The Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce will host GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney today to discuss job creation, but Democrats are wondering, what exactly is Romney going to highlight?

“The fact is Massachusetts ranked 47th among states in job creation during Romney’s tenure as governor,” noted Ben Nesselhuf, Chairman of the South Dakota Democratic Party. “As a public leader, Romney has little to teach about how to create jobs in South Dakota.”

His private sector experience in job creation is just as questionable. Leading Bain & Co and Bain Capital, Mitt Romney laid off hundreds of employees and accepted $10 million in federal money to bailout his failed company. In fact, Romney’s private sector experience has been tied to plant closings and massive firings throughout his career.

Part of the basic problem is Romney’s principles, said Nesselhuf. “Romney says corporations are people. Treating corporations as people is part of the problem that allows big corporations to shower money on candidates and buy lobbyists at the expense of our citizens and small businesses,” explains Nesselhuf.

“With small-business owners making up their majority,” Nesselhuf concluded, “the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce should know better than to invite a presidential hopeful who does not support policies that help chamber members.”

For more information, please contact Ben Nesselhuf at 605-271-5405 or


Romney Ranks 47th in Job Creation
“During his tenure as governor from 2003 to 2007, Massachusetts ranked 47th among states for job creation. He’s running on his ability to turn around the flailing economy and boost employment…” [National Review, 9.8.11]

Romney Leads Private Sector Layoffs
“The way [Bain & Co] was rescued was with a federal bailout of $10 million… In 1992, Bain Capital purchased American Pad and Paper, which subsequently laid off 250 workers at an Indiana plant and rehired some after slashing their wages and retirement benefits.”[Politico, 7.14.11]