
Unable or Unwilling To Do Anything About Mass Shootings, Thune Tells American People To Duck

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – South Dakota Democratic Party Executive Director Sam Parkinson issued the following statement today in response to Senator John Thune’s comments that because there is no way to prevent mass shootings in an “open society,” citizens’ best hope to avoid being violently killed is to “take steps in their own lives to take precautions to protect themselves…you know, try to stay safe. As somebody said — get small”:

“Democrats believe that ensuring the safety of Americans should be the top priority of our government, and that we should not accept mass shootings, such as the one in Las Vegas, as inevitable or normal. John Thune is the third-ranking Republican in the United States Senate – the majority party. The fact that he is unable or unwilling to do anything from that position of power to protect the people he represents from mass shootings other than to tell them to learn how to ‘get small’ speaks volumes about his lack of leadership, political will, and political courage. The American people deserve better – it’s time for a change in Washington.”
