Opening Valhalla, a state-owned cabin in Custer State Park, to the public in the future does not give Governor Daugaard an excuse to withhold the names of his guests in the past, says Ben Nesselhuf, Chairman of the South Dakota Democratic Party.

On February 2, 2011, Governor Daugaard sent his Chief of Staff, Dusty Johnson, to kill a bill in the House State Affairs committee requiring the governor to release the names of his guests to Valhalla. Johnson said the governor would release those names periodically, so Republicans killed the bill.

“The governor’s decision to open Valhalla to public tours and meetings, as well as make available the names of guests, is better late than never,” Nesselhuf says. “But South Dakotans deserve to know whom the governor has permitted to use taxpayer-owned property and at what expense.”

“57 days have passed since Johnson said the governor would release names,” Nesselhuf concluded. “The clock is ticking, and South Dakotans are still waiting.”

If you would like more information concerning the 57 days and counting at Valhalla, please contact Chairman Ben Nesselhuf at 605-271-5405 or