
Still No Town Halls Scheduled for Noem, Rounds, and Thune During Two-Week Recess

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement responding to Senators Rounds and Thune and Representative Noem having no town halls scheduled, despite Congress beginning a nearly 2-week recess tomorrow:

“Kristi Noem, Mike Rounds, and John Thune have a responsibility as our members of Congress to meet with the voters of South Dakota and answer their questions about their views and votes on important issues before them in Washington. Given their support of the unreasonable and out-of-touch agenda of Republicans in Congress, including taking healthcare away from 25,000 South Dakotans and changing a 200-year-old rule to ram a Supreme Court nominee through the Senate, it is true they might face some tough questions from attendees. But if they cannot handle tough questions about their records in the House and Senate from the people of South Dakota, they have no business representing our state in Washington.”
