
South Dakota Democratic Party Statement on Senators Thune and Rounds Rejecting Calls for a Special Prosecutor

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement responding to the continuing lack of support from Senators John Thune and Mike Rounds on appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the ties between President Donald Trump’s campaign and the Russian government:

“If Senators Thune and Rounds really do have “questions” about the timing of the firing of Director Comey, the only way to find answers to this matter as well as the issues of the Russian government’s interference in our presidential election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and that government is a special prosecutor and an independent commission – with subpoena power. We call Senators Rounds and Thune, as well as Rep. Noem and congressional candidates Dusty Johnson and Shantel Krebs to join us in demanding such an independent investigation immediately.”
