SDDP on Rounds and Thune Voting to Continue The Government Shutdown
The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement from Executive Director Sam Parkinson reacting to Senators Mike Rounds and John Thune voting this afternoon to continue the government shutdown:
“Senators Rounds and Thune had a choice today: to support a proposal from President Trump that was never intended to pass, but instead was yet another stunt to avoid responsibility and deflect blame, or to support a clean proposal to reopen the government – a proposal they supported only weeks ago, and a proposal which garnered a bipartisan majority of the Senate today. Once again, Senators Rounds and Thune and Republicans in Congress chose to put loyalty to the wishes of President Trump above the national interest. The Democratic majority in the U.S. House has voted repeatedly to reopen the government. It’s long past time for Senators Rounds and Thune, and their fellow GOP Senators, to stop playing games and join Democrats in voting to end the shutdown crisis they allowed President Trump to create.”