Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD) and House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) met with supporters in Sioux Falls Thursday morning, but not everyone was invited.

KDLT News was told by Noem staffers that because the breakfast was a campaign event, the general public and press were not allowed. That didn’t sit too well with South Dakota Democrats.

During the event, Democrats served free pancakes to anyone who wanted in Sherman Park, near the Minnehaha County Club, the site of Noem’s fundraiser. They say the invitation-only event is a missed opportunity for voters to voice concerns with Speaker Boehner.

“Clearly he came to raise money for Kristi Noem and that’s all…and that’s too bad. I wish he had come to listen to South Dakotans about our concerns and hear our problems,”said Ben Nesselhuf, chair of the South Dakota Democratic Party.

Pancake breakfast organizers say despite not getting to speak with Boehner, they were happy with the turnout to their gathering. They say about 75 people showed up for the free breakfast.