
Rounds Fails to Draw a Crowd in Murdo

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement responding to the weak turnout at the “Coffee and Conversation with Mike” held by Senator Mike Rounds in Murdo Monday morning:

“From the picture of the event posted on Mike Rounds’s Facebook page, it looks like only about six people turned out to the event. A sitting Republican U.S. Senator drawing such a low number in John Thune’s hometown does not reflect very well on Sen. Rounds. Reflecting even worse on Sen. Rounds, though, is that by holding an event at a time when most working people and students could not attend, and giving hardly any notice of the event, he almost seemed to be discouraging turnout. Sen. Rounds might be hoping for low turnout at his public events so he is not held accountable for his support of the extreme and out-of-touch agenda of Washington Republicans. However, Sen. Rounds has a responsibility to the voters of South Dakota to meet with them and answer their questions – at times and places that encourage turnout, not discourage it.”
