For Immediate Release: Friday, October 10, 2014
Contacts: Zach Crago

BREAKING – Rounds busted lying on EB5 again!

Mike Rounds has been caught in another lie just a week after the Rapid City Journal revealed a document that directly contradicted Rounds’ written testimony provided a legislative panel investigating the EB5 scandal.

10.2.14: “I didn’t personally travel or recruit investors.” – Mike Rounds [Aberdeen American News]

10.10.14: Argus Leader: Rounds solicited EB-5 investors in 2005 [Argus Leader]

Contrary to Rounds’ previous statements, Rounds was in fact personally recruiting EB5 investors right out of the Governor’s Office.

Question is – How many more previous statements does Mike Rounds have to amend now?

The Undisputed Facts in the EB5 scandal.

1) Mike Rounds’ employee Joop Bollen signed an illegal contract with a company he owned to manage the EB5 program, a key component of the Rounds economic development strategy.

2) As a result of the illegal contract, Joop Bollen walked off with a $108 million in EB5 fees that belong to the people of South Dakota.

3) Mike Rounds knew about his employee’s illegal activities, and Mike Rounds didn’t fire Joop Bollen; Rounds rewarded him with a sweetened no-bid contract in December of 2009.

4) When asked questions about the EB5 scandal by a legislative committee, Mike Rounds submitted testimony that the Rapid City Journal quickly found to be untrue. Submitting false testimony as Mike Rounds did is a class 6 felony in South Dakota.

5) Even now after everyone agrees that Rounds employee Joop Bollen had an illegal contract that enriched himself over $100 million, Mike Rounds continues to protect and cover up for his employee.

EB5 Citizenship-for-sale  Kings Joop Bollen & Mike Rounds

EB5 Citizenship-for-sale Kings Joop Bollen & Mike Rounds