
Immediate Release: Monday, February 29, 2016

Pierre, SD (February 29, 2016)-

South Dakota Democrats express disappointment with Medicaid expansion delay

Today South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaurd announced that further action on Medicaid expansion will be delayed. South Dakota Democrats expressed their concern about the delay in providing health care coverage to an additional 55,000 South Dakotans.

South Dakota House of Representatives Minority Leader, Representative Spencer Hawley said, “Democrats are disappointed that no action will be taken on Medicaid Expansion this Legislative Session. We are hopeful that the Governor remains committed to expanding healthcare coverage to thousands of South Dakotans while also dramatically improving healthcare to our Native American population.”

South Dakota Senate Minority Leader, Senator Billie Sutton said, “We remain optimistic that we can make Medicaid expansion happen for the people of South Dakota. The federal government has agreed to make changes to Indian health reimbursement, and now it is the Legislature’s duty to uphold South Dakota’s end of the agreement that will provide vital health services to 55,000 South Dakotans.”

The Governor proposed no action be taken on the Medicaid expansion proposal in the last two week of this Legislative Session. A special session of the Legislature may be called to address the issue at a later date.