Rep. Kristi Noem has learned some things from Washington’s GOP leadership.  She’s learned to never stray from her keep-it-vague talking points, to always use words like “big” and “tough,” and to disguise reckless votes as standard operating procedure.

Here in South Dakota, we can handle the truth.  There’s nothing standard about an agenda that provides lip service on job creation, while at the same time backhandedly decimates the livelihoods of hardworking Americans.

So while Candidate Noem berated the U.S. Congress for spending money it didn’t have; Congresswoman Noem voted against saving $183 million on bridges Alaska doesn’t need.

Candidate Noem told the people of South Dakota that she would stand up for our grandparents; Congresswoman Noem supports cutting the Senior Community Service Employment Program, which according to the Argus Leader, is “the only federally funded job training program for low-income seniors,” and “could push as many as 60,000 low-income workers out of the program nationwide.”  The Rapid City Journal Reports that 930 seniors in South Dakota alone would be shown the door as a result of Noem’s efforts.

Congresswoman Noem wants to be held accountable for her actions.  When what you say and how you vote already amount to double-speak… well, 2012.