For the first time in 17 years, Congresswoman Kristi Noem just shut down the government. Starting today, families will find that national parks are closed, job training for veterans will stop, disaster relief aid for Hurricane Sandy will be halted, and nearly half of the civilians at the Department of Defense will be told to stay at home.

Why? Because Congresswoman Noem voted to hold our economy hostage over her demands to give insurance companies free rein over Americans’ health care.

South Dakota Democratic Party Chair Deb Knecht released the following statement after Congresswoman Noem and House Republicans forced the midnight GOP Shutdown:

“I used to think Congresswoman Kristi Noem and her tea party friends had enough sense to avoid forcing a government shutdown. I was wrong. I hope Congresswoman Noem is prepared to explain to my grandkids why Mount Rushmore is closed, because I’m not prepared to explain why shutting down the government to deny millions of Americans health care is a good idea.”


House Republicans Backed a Plan That Virtually Guaranteed a Government Shutdown. According to the Washington Post: “The U.S. government was poised to shut down for the first time in 17 years late Monday, as House Republicans clung tenaciously to their demand that any agreement to fund federal agencies must also undermine President Obama’s 2010 health-care law. With a midnightdeadline fast approaching, the House voted 228 to 201 to approve the third GOP proposal in two weeks to fund the government – a plan that would delay enforcement of the ‘individual mandate,’ a cornerstone of the legislation that requires all Americans to obtain health coverage in 2014.” [Washington Post9/30/13]

  • ·         Headline: Shutdown looms after House approves another delay in Obamacare [Washington Post9/30/13]

OMB: Shutdown will Cost $2 Billion. “And why everyone should care: a shutdown will cost, not save, taxpayers’ money. A study from the Office of Management and Budget puts the overall economic price tag for a shutdown around $2 billion.” [ABC News, 9/29/13]

A Shutdown could Delay Financial Support for more than 1,000 Small Businesses a Week. “In FY2012, the SBA’s flagship 7(a) and 504 loans programs supported 53,847 businesses and 609,437 jobs, for an average of just over 1,000 businesses per week. A shut down would put a stop to this critical source of small business credit until the government resumes operation.” [Small Business Administration FY14 Budget Justification, accessed 9/24/13]

First-Time Homebuyers Seeking Government-Backed Mortgages “Could face Delays.” “Many low-to-moderate incomes borrowers and first-time homebuyers seeking government-backed mortgages could face delays. […] The Federal Housing Administration, which guarantees about 30 percent of home mortgages, wouldn’t underwrite or approve any new loans during the shutdown.” [Associated Press,9/28/13]

A Number of Head Start Programs “Would Feel the Impact Right Away.” “A small number of Head Start programs, about 20 out of 1,600 nationally, would feel the impact right away. The federal Administration for Children and Families says grants expiring about Oct. 1 would not be renewed. Over time more programs would be affected. Several of the Head Start programs that would immediately feel the pinch are in Florida. It’s unclear if they would continue serving children.” [U.S. News, 9/29/13]

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