It seems Congresswoman Noem is in a bit of a pickle. She’s racked up some hefty credit card debt, all while giving South Dakotans her usual double-speak on balancing the budget.

But don’t just take our word for it – here’s what Noem posted on her campaign website:

“In our home, Bryon and I create a family budget. It is a commonsense move that ensures we do not spend money we do not have – hardly a novel concept in South Dakota, where most hardworking families try to live within their means.”

Not only does Kristi Noem owe somewhere in the neighborhood of $30,000 to US Bank and Discover, but her family’s insurance business has between $500,000 and $1,000,000 in debt. So much for not spending money you don’t have.

It’s possible that the $174,000 salary the Congresswoman earned while completing her internship just wasn’t enough to cover her spending habits. She did, after all, use money raised from campaign donors to splurge at Haegles Western Wear and Tack. (Because, of course, who can afford cowboy boots when you’re in debt $30k)

We admit it, we’re kinda curious what she’s spending her money on. Maybe you know something we don’t… use the comment box below to share your ideas. Fence posts perhaps? Board games for that fancy kitchen table?

So kids, the lesson of the day is this: When budgeting for your family, don’t listen to Kristi Noem. Perhaps more importantly, when budgeting for your country, don’t spend your vote on the Freshman Intern/Congresswoman who doesn’t have your back. And yes, we know – in 2012, lesson learned.