When an Argus Leader article starts: “State and federal funding cuts mean agricultural research will take a substantial hit in South Dakota,” we’re in trouble.

When SD’s sole member of the U.S. House of Representatives fails to get a seat on the House Ag Committee, we’re in double-trouble.

When pink-slips go out to the very people who invented ethanol because of a failure in leadership by both Gov. Daugaard and Rep. Noem, we’re… well… we won’t say in front of the children.

We can’t help but wonder – where are those jobs? You know, the ones promised after Daugaard and Noem won elections for theirs. After all, you can only run on Rep. Pelosi’s record for so long… wait; we don’t want to spoil the surprise in Noem’s next package of talking points.

Remember: jobs, jobs, jobs – and if you’re Daugaard or Noem, this does not include those for your friends, children, contributors, and that pesky former Secretary of State. Bummer.