“Where in the world can you live on minimum wage? Apparently no where in the U.S. Hanson County is considered the county with the lowest cost of living in America and even there $7.25 an hour doesn’t cut it.”

That’s how KELO begins a must-see story on the minimum wage. How do people in Alexandria, SD, the Hanson county seat, feel about the minimum wage?

“I think it needs to be higher. My part time staff makes that and my full time staff are a quarter over.” Carol Haskamp, Daycare owner

“[The minimum wage] is not enough, not with everything else going up price wise, it’s not enough,” Kristine Walton, staff at Lil’ Angels Daycare.

No matter where you live in SD – working families can’t survive on $7.25 an hour. Carol and Kristine can attest to it. Raising the minimum wage puts money in the pockets of hardworking people who’ll spend it on the things they need everyday. That’s how you build an economy that works for everyone.

You can help people like Carol, Kristine, and thousands of others who work hard everyday and still struggle to make ends meet.

Sign our online petition and tell us why raising the minimum wage is important to you!

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