U.S. Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., joined with other members of the Senate Appropriations Committee to pass the Fiscal Year 2012 Agriculture Appropriations bill last week. The bill now moves to the full Senate for consideration.

“As we all know, these are tough budgetary times, but we need to approach budget cuts ects like the Sun Grant with a scalpel and not a hatchet. I am glad that this fiscally responsible bill still makes targeted investments in important research proj-Initiative,” said Johnson, a member of the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee.

“SDSU does excellent bioenergy and bioproduct research under the Sun Grant Initiative.”

“The bill also provides vital funding for initiatives that feed the neediest among us and programs that ensure our food is safe to eat,” Johnson continued.

The legislation includes a provision by Johnson that encourages the secretary of agriculture to do everything in the agency’s authority to combat wildlife predation.

Many South Dakota producers have economic hardships caused by the predation of sheep and other livestock.

“Federal predator control funding has been scaled back in South Dakota and elsewhere,” Johnson said. “I wanted to send a clear message to the secretary of agriculture how important this program is to our farmers and ranchers.”