Message from Chair Deb Knecht:

Fellow Democrats,

I was energized coming out of our State Democratic Convention last weekend in Yankton, SD. I was so proud of our staff and volunteers who worked together to welcome delegates, organize fun presentations at meals between platform meetings, and host an inspiring convention banquet with DNC Vice Chair RT Rybak and our beloved US Senator Tim  Johnson – and boy, were we surprised by Tim’s $200,000 pledge to the state party!

Even with all the other convention fun, delegates ultimately met to define our values and positions in the state party platform – and they put together a great platform with lots of resolutions. I was particularly encouraged by the many young Democrats  who took time to come to take part in this somewhat tedious but important  job.  Those of us that are “more seasoned”  know what conventions are like, and I appreciated the knowledge they shared.

As we all know, Democrats are an independent bunch with a wide range of beliefs and ideas.  But in the end, we all have the same core principles.  This is what motivates us. This is what gives us our energy to do the right thing.  This is what allows us to come together to move forward, work hard and win elections. With all of us pouring our energy into helping our candidates, registering voters, and getting out the vote, I believe we will make history in 2014!

I’m looking forward to the summer ahead and can’t wait to see you volunteering beside me! In the mean time, check out the photos from convention below!

Chair Deb Knecht
