
House Leadership Pulls Inadequate Noem Healthcare Bill

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement responding to today’s decision by House leadership to pull Rep. Kristi Noem’s inadequate healthcare bill from the floor moments before a scheduled vote:

“This is an embarrassing defeat for Kristi Noem and her friends in the political establishment. It raises serious questions about Rep. Noem’s leadership – if she can’t pass a priority bill like this that she helped write through the House with her party having a sizable majority, how can she meet the challenges she would face as governor?

“At the same time, this is a victory for the healthcare of South Dakota families who would have lost their health care or been forced to buy substandard insurance that didn’t even cover essential services like pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care, preventative and wellness services, and prescription drugs. We hope today’s defeat teaches Kristi Noem and her fellow Washington Republicans a lesson – instead of rushing a bill through Congress which throws tens of millions of our neighbors off of their healthcare to give tax breaks to the wealthy, they should work across the aisle to find real solutions to the challenges facing our healthcare system which help improve affordability and coverage for all South Dakotans.”
