
GOP Healthcare Plan Increases Costs and Reduces Care for Working Families

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement in response to Rep. Kristi Noem and her fellow Washington Republicans finally releasing a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act, after over 60 votes in the past six years to repeal all or part of the ACA:

“The House GOP plan, which Kristi Noem is so proud of, would throw millions of Americans off their healthcare and make healthcare more expensive for millions more – including thousands of South Dakotans. While working families in South Dakota and around the country will lose their healthcare, this plan will give a big new tax giveaway for wealthy people and an even bigger tax giveaway for insurance company CEOs. No wonder Kristi Noem and Washington Republicans didn’t want anyone to see this plan – while it gives the wealthy another tax break, it will increase costs and reduce care for working families.”
