
GEAR UP Emails Show Stunning Lack of Oversight 

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement from Executive Director Sam Parkinson in response to yesterday’s release of emails related to the GEAR UP program, which show that Secretary of Education Melody Schopp was warned of corruption in the program as early as January 2011, and did nothing about it:

Corruption Screenshot“These blockbuster revelations are undeniable proof of the stunning lack of oversight of the GEAR UP grant program by state officials. The fact that Secretary Schopp did nothing in the face of such clear warnings of corruption is just one more example of the arrogance and the culture of corruption which has taken hold of the Republican political establishment in Pierre. It’s time for state government officials to testify under oath so the people of South Dakota can finally know the truth behind these scandals.

“While Republicans have been fighting to sweep their scandals under the rug, Democrats have been fighting to bring more accountability and oversight to state government for years. Next year, the people of South Dakota will have a choice: vote to continue the Republican culture of corruption or vote for a more open and accountable state government led by Democrats. We’re confident that South Dakotans will agree with us that it’s time for a change in Pierre.”
