South Dakota Democrats launched a new online ad today after Congresswoman Noem said she didn’t come to Washington to talk.

The new online video points out the stark contrast between what Congresswoman Noem is saying and what she’s actually doing in Washington, says Ben Nesselhuf, Chairman of the South Dakota Democratic Party.

“Congresswoman Noem talks all day for the cameras, but when it comes to speaking up on behalf of South Dakota, she’s silent,” notes Nesselhuf. “It’s time we had a Congressperson more interested in working for us than getting her next interview on FOX news.”

Congresswoman Noem has been unable to refute research suggesting she has only attended four of twenty Agriculture Committee hearings in her entire time in Congress. And when Noem has attended, she has not made a single statement on policy. She’s said less than any other current freshman on the committee and less than any former freshman South Dakota congressperson on the committee.