
Despite Latest Appointment, Partisan Makeup of Board of Regents Appointments Still Violates State Law 

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement in response to today’s appointment of Dr. Joan Wink to the South Dakota Board of Regents by Governor Dennis Daugaard:

“SDCL 13-49-2 states that “not more than six” members of the nine-member Board of Regents “may be members of the same political party.” Dr. Wink, a Democrat, replaces Dr. Kathryn Johnson, a Democrat. Other Board members include Harvey Jewett, Jim Morgan, Randy Schaefer, Bob Sutton, Kevin Schieffer, Pam Roberts, and Conrad Adams – all registered Republicans – and John Bastian, a registered Independent. The board includes seven Republicans, one more than state law prescribes. Therefore, the partisan makeup of the Board of Regents is still in violation of state law.

“South Dakota Republicans seem to think they are above the law, whether it be repealing voter-backed measures months after being supported at the ballot box or by stacking state boards with Republicans in violation of state law.”
