
Democrats Respond to Marty Jackley Cheering on Discrimination Against Transgender Children

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement in response to South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley’s statement cheering on the Trump administration’s decision to roll back protection of transgender students:

“It is painfully clear the most extreme elements of the Republican Party are in control of it, both nationally and in South Dakota. There is no one, no matter how vulnerable, whom they will not target. The issue is about more than bathrooms, it is about the safety of transgender children. A recent study has shown that the suicide attempt rate for transgender people as a population is between 30 and 40%, and the attempt rate for transgender people who have been bullied at school jumps to more than 50%. The president’s decision declared open season on these at-risk children to be bullied – and Marty Jackley is cheering it on.”

“Our country decided in the Civil Rights era that states do not have the right to discriminate against certain kinds of students. Unfortunately, Donald Trump and Marty Jackley want to take our country and our state back to the time when states could discriminate without interference. Democrats stand against this discrimination and bullying and for the equal rights and safety of all South Dakotans and our children. Any public official or candidate who cheers on discrimination and bullying is not fit to lead our great state.”
