SIOUX FALLS – The South Dakota Democratic Democratic Party released the following statement in response to today’s Budget Address by Gov. Dennis Daugaard, where it was confirmed that for the second time in three fiscal years (FY 2015 and 2017), revenues have not met adopted projections:

“GOP policy failures have led the state to once again miss budget projections. Not only that, but farm income was down $1.5 billion last year, and new hires were down 18.7% from last year this October. The Governor’s Address was long on the details of the challenges facing the state in slow revenue growth, but short on detail on what, if anything, he might do to promote economic development.”

“Republicans have had the power to implement the policies they’ve wanted in our state for years now, which we were told over and over again would lead to incredible prosperity and where everything would be great for everybody – businesses, farmers, workers, and state government. It’s obvious now, if it wasn’t before, that they have failed to deliver on their promises. It is crystal clear that this is a time for real leadership in state government and not the same old tired way of doing business that got us here.”

“Democrats will lead in this year’s Legislative Session by pursuing a pro-economic growth legislative agenda that is focused on making South Dakota work for all South Dakotans and increase the transparency and accountability in state government to make sure budgetary decisions are made in the best interest of the State’s people and not to reward the friends and contributors of the political establishment.”
