
Democrats Respond to Republican Congressional Delegation Not Holding Public Town Halls 

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement in response to South Dakota’s Republican congressional delegation not holding any public town halls during the current congressional recess:

“Why do Senators Rounds and Thune and Rep. Noem have no public town halls scheduled? Are they afraid to answer questions from their constituents about why they have voted to take away health care from tens of thousands of South Dakotans? Or why they supported all of Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees, no matter how unqualified? Or why they have not supported a bi-partisan, independent commission to investigate foreign interference in our elections?

“Whatever their reasons, our congressional delegation has a responsibility as our representatives in Congress to meet with their constituents, answer our questions, and give reasons for their votes and actions in Washington. There’s such a great interest in attending town halls that citizen groups have scheduled town halls themselves and invited our delegation to show up. If Kristi Noem, Mike Rounds, and John Thune are afraid of tough questions, they have no business representing the people of South Dakota in Congress.”
