
Democrats React to Congressional Delegation Selling Your Personal Information to the Highest Bidder

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement responding to this week’s votes by Rep. Kristi Noem and Senators Mike Rounds and John Thune to reverse the landmark FCC rule banning telecom and cable companies from sharing customers’ personal information, including web browsing history, without their consent:

“In their last election cycles, The telecom industry gave Representative Noem $38,200, Senator Rounds $40,166, and Senator Thune $215,000. Their votes this week indicate the industry’s investment in them has paid off, as once again, Representative Noem and Senators Rounds and Thune are putting big-money donor interests above the welfare of everyday South Dakotans. It seems the tens of thousands of dollars (or in Senator Thune’s case, hundreds of thousands of dollars) they received in campaign donations meant more to our state’s congressional delegation than protecting the Social Security numbers, financial materials, and health information of their constituents.”
