
Democrats Call on Noem to Answer Questions about Her Healthcare Plan

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement calling on Rep. Kristi Noem to provide answers to the many unanswered questions about the healthcare plan she and her fellow Washington Republicans finally unveiled this week:

“After running on repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in each of her congressional campaigns, joining her fellow Washington Republicans in voting over 60 times in the last six years to repeal all or part of the ACA, and leaving the House Committee on Agriculture to join the Ways and Means Committee, the main committee behind the House Republican healthcare plan, Kristi Noem owes the people of South Dakota honest answers to the following questions about this plan and what it would mean for South Dakotans:

  • How much will this plan cost taxpayers?
  • How many South Dakotans will lose their healthcare?
  • How many South Dakotans will go bankrupt from medical bills?
  • How will South Dakotans with healthcare through their employers be impacted?
  • How much will premiums and out-of-pocket expenses go up for South Dakota families?
  • How much more will South Dakota seniors pay for their health care?

“Though there are many details we still don’t know about this plan, what we do know is bad. While it gives healthcare CEOs and other wealthy people more tax breaks, it will increase costs and reduce care for working families and seniors. That’s why the AARP, AHA, and AMA have all come out publicly against the plan. Kristi Noem needs to immediately provide answers to the serious concerns raised about her plan and why in the last six years she has not worked with Democrats to come up with a real healthcare plan that fixes the shortcomings of the ACA instead of this half-baked scheme.”
