Immediate Release: Thursday, March 3, 2016

Contact: Michael Ewald, Communications Director, (605) 271-5405,

CMS announces more cuts to IHS facilities

Sioux Falls, SD (March 3, 2016)-

The South Dakota Democratic Party expressed concern regarding the announcement from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) that the IHS hospital on Rosebud Indian Reservation would no longer be eligible for reimbursement from the federal government after March 16 for Medicaid and Medicare services due to poor assessments in quality care.

“This is exactly why we need to expand Medicaid now. These delays are literally costing people their lives. Rosebud emergency services have been closed for months, now this? We’re in a crisis situation and our state and federal Republican leaders are dragging their feet on a solution,” said Michael Ewald, Communications Director for the South Dakota Democratic Party.

Earlier this week, Governor Dennis Daugaard announced he would postpone introducing a measure to expand Medicaid until after the legislative session. Recently, the federal government agreed to steps to expand access for Native Americans at non-IHS facilities.

“Where will these folks go for health care? Medicaid expansion wasn’t a perfect fix, but it at least provided avenues for Native Americans to receive care at facilities closer to their home or for services not offered at an IHS hospital. Now – Medicaid expansion is desperately needed to give Native Americans any option at all,” Ewald said.
