After months and months of negative campaigning against Washington DC, Krisiti is settling right in to the city and is well on her way to becoming another Republican talking head.

In her first minutes of arriving in D.C. Noem was approached by cameras and media ( Instead of talking about what work she’ll be doing for South Dakota, Noem self promoted for the role of the leader of the Republican freshman class.

This role was created to act as a liaison for the incoming freshman legislators and to give the tea party candidates a seat at the table, as they constitute a large number of the incoming class.

South Dakota Democratic Party Executive Director Erin McCarrick said, “Kristi represents all South Dakota, not just the extreme right or the freshman class. She was not elected by a majority of the state (only 48.1%) so she is far from a mandate to pursue her own self-interests.”

McCarrick added, “Taking on leadership roles and becoming a tea party darling will make that commute from South Dakota hard. South Dakota deserves someone working for us, and Kristi is clearly putting her own political gain first.”