After we announced plans last July for our initiated measure to raise the minimum wage, KELO’s Don Jorgenson went to Hansen County, the county with the lowest cost of living in the entire country, and asked folks if they could live on minimum wage there.

Not a single person said yes. 

Last week, the New York Times put together a very compelling infographic to show just how hard it is to survive on minimum wage. Play around with it. It becomes very clear very quickly that even a single adult who works full time at minimum wage would struggle to make ends meet. Min Wage Annual min wage earnings $725 below poverty line

Is it any wonder then why newspapers across the country are speaking on behalf of raising the minimum wage?

Give American workers a reasonable raise
Kansas City Star // Editorial

To reward work, increase the minimum wage
Holland Sentinel // Editorial

Raise the minimum wage
LA Times // Editorial

New Mexico
Minimum wage hike good for NM
Albuquerque Journal// Editorial

Minimum wage
Star Herald // Editorial

Move now to improve minimum wage
New Haven Register // Editorial

Support for a living wage
York Dispatch // Editorial

Editorial: The case for higher wages
The Metro West Daily News// Editorial Board

Minimum wage hike aids economy
Florida Today // Rhonda Abrahams

It’s time to raise the minimum wage
The Humble Observer// Patty Pinkley Humble Area Democrats

The Value of Increasing the Minimum Wage
Times-News// Melinda Henneberger

Raising Alaska’s minimum wage is a common sense decision
Alaska Dispatch // Carey Restino

Higher pay helps the economy
Denver Post // Don Marostica OpEd

Raise wages to reduce racial income inequality
The Seattle Times // Gerald Hankerson OpEd

College graduates need the minimum wage to rise
The Seattle Times // Sandi Halimuddin OpEd

U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown: Minimum-wage hike will help economy
Cincinnati Enquirer // Sen. Sherrod Brown OpEd

Minimum wage no longer fair
The Gazette // Rep. Bruce Braley OpEd

Low minimum wage bad for women, business
Globe Gazette // Sherry Stewart Deutschmann OpEd

The need to increase the minimum wage is pressing
Racine Journal Times // State Rep. Cory Mason OpEd

Minimum wage hike? Boost pay and the economy
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel // Michael Wilder and Rosalynn Wolfe OpEd

Times Writers Group: Raise minimum wage, work in justice
SC Times // Times Writers Group OpEd

Higher minimum wage would help economy, workers
The Daily Toreador // Jakob Reynolds OpEd