For Immediate Release: Friday, October 10, 2014
Contacts: Zach Crago

State may force Mike Rounds’ EB5 scheme to pay millions for tax evasion

Mike Rounds fully defends his employee Joop Bollen’s illegal contract with a company he owned to privatize the EB5 citizenship-for-sale program.

But now, Mike Rounds’ scheme is being investigated by the state for millions in tax avoidance.

State considering Brown County resolution calling SDRC a bank
Aberdeen American News, Scott Waltman
Friday, October 10th, 2014

Whether SDRC Inc. is considered a financial institution is being contemplated by the state Division of Banking, a state Department of Revenue official said this week…

That’s the result of a resolution approved last month by the Brown County Commission.

If the banking division determines that SDRC Inc. is a financial institution and subject to licensing and paying bank franchise taxes, the state Department of Revenue will work to collect the amount owed, Jason Evans, deputy director of the revenue department, said Wednesday. He said he visited with secretary of the Department of Revenue about the matter. [Read full story here.]

EB5 Citizenship-for-sale  Kings Joop Bollen & Mike Rounds

EB5 Citizenship-for-sale Kings Joop Bollen & Mike Rounds