Last summer, over 550 volunteers like you gathered over 23,000 signatures to stop Governor Daugaard from raiding our schools and nursing homes for millions in giveaways to large corporations. You succeeded by giving South Dakotans a voice on Referred Law 14 in the 2012 general election.Money for Millionaires

But referring the law was only the first step. We all understand how Governor Daugaard plans to give corporations millions of dollars at the direct expense of schools and hospitals that depend on our general fund. But how do we make that easy for voters to understand?

Two weeks ago, you gave us dozens of suggestions to rename Referred Law 14, so the people of South Dakota could understand the gravity of the issue at hand. We narrowed your choices down to the top five, and last week you voted on how best to describe Referred Law 14.

Without much further ado, we announce your winner:


It’s simple. It’s sweet. And it’s to the point. Large, out-of-state corporate execs don’t need million dollar handouts from South Dakota taxpayers.

So say it loud now. No on Money For Millionaires. Vote NO on Referred Law 14.