South Dakota Republicans just can’t get enough of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a corporate financed organization that writes antidemocratic, antiunion, anti-public services legislation for legislators to bring home.

After slipping in a $5,000 per year increase per legislator for salaries and research on the last day of the legislative session, the Republican led executive board passed a rule allowing legislators to use our tax dollars to pay ALEC membership dues. Your tax dollars paying for corporate legislation that hurts taxpayers.

We’re calling foul, and South Dakota newspapers are taking notice.

Pierre Capital Journal, 4/26/13 – Lawmakers should not ask state to pay for their memberships in conservative group.

Aberdeen American News, 4/27/13 – Our Voice: State should not pay lawmakers’ dues to ALEC

Argus Leader, 4/30/13 – Lawmakers’ paid membership, conference travel eyed

Associated Press, 4/30/13 – Group Membership Fees Divide State Lawmakers

Argus Leader, 5/2/13 – Editorial: Make Better Use of Travel Money

Mitchell Daily Republic, 5/5/13 – Opinion: Taxpayers shouldn’t pay for lawmakers’ trips, memberships

Huron Plainsman, 5/6/13 – Nesselhuf takes issue with travel funding

Vermillion Plain Talk, 5/15/13 – Between the lines – We shouldn’t foot ALEC bill.

Please take a moment to sign our petition and share with friends. We need to let people know what Republicans stand for, and why Democrats are fighting back.

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