Being chair of the anti-education, anti-democratic, anti-worker American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) comes with benefits – evidently, a $20,827.67 travel benefit on the taxpayer dime.

That’s how many tax dollars South Dakota’s ALEC chair Senator Deb Peters (R-Hartford) has spent on travel during her time in the legislature, and Peters is already defending the use of tax dollars for more legislators to attend ALEC functions.

Can you think of a better use of $20,827.67?

How about for educating our kids? Or helping disabled veterans get to their doctor’s appointments? Or lowering health care premiums for working families and seniors in nursing homes? All these are measures Sen. Deb Peters helped kill in the last legislative session at the same time she’s defending her $20,827.67 travel perk.

Hold Republicans like her accountable. Add your name to our petition below. We need to show Republicans that we’re going to make ALEC travel on the taxpayer dime an election year issue. We can’t do that without your show of support. Over 400 have signed so far. Be a petition signer today!

Candidate Intake Form 1