
78% of Americans Want an Independent Investigation into Trump/Russia Ties – Why Don’t Thune, Rounds, and Noem?

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement responding to a poll released yesterday showing 78% of Americans want an independent investigation of the Russian government’s interference in our election and ties between President Donald Trump’s campaign and the Russian government:

“The overwhelming majority of the American people – almost 80% – agree that an independent investigation is necessary. Yet South Dakota’s congressional delegation stubbornly continues to protect President Trump and his associates from an independent investigation. Senators Thune and Rounds and Rep. Noem need to explain why they continue to stand with someone who admits he fired the Director of the FBI to stop the Bureau’s investigation into him and his campaign and against the overwhelming majority of the American people. Further, congressional candidates Dusty Johnson and Shantel Krebs owe it to people of South Dakota to let us know where they stand on this important issue – do they intend to thwart the will of the American people as well, or join us in demanding such an independent investigation immediately?”
