Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, 17 million children – 47,000 in South Dakota – will be protected from discrimination based on their health.

Because of the health care law, since 2010 insurance companies have been prohibited from denying health coverage for the up to 17 million children with pre-existing conditions such as cancer, asthma, or diabetes. Starting in 2014, insurance companies will also no longer be able to deny coverage for adults or charge anyone higher premiums based on health status or history.

Helping middle class families take advantage of the benefits of the health care law like the security of affordable health care coverage and protection from discrimination based on pre-existing conditions should be a top priority for lawmakers in Washington. 346,000 South Dakotans have preexisting conditions that insurance companies used to deny care, including 47,000 kids.

Yet instead of working to fix the law, Congresswoman Kristi Noem has voted to repeal the health care law more than 40 times, even shutting down the government to prevent new benefits like ending discrimination based on pre-existing conditions, taking away peace of mind for millions of children and their parents.

What’s Congresswoman Noem’s #CostOfRepeal? 17 million children – including 47,000 in South Dakota – who can be discriminated against by the insurance companies.

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