We recently asked how the SDDP could best provide you with policy information and breaking news during the 2012 legislative session. You overwhelmed us – and our inbox – with feedback on your preferences and great new ideas. Thank you!
After a review of all input received, South Dakota Democrats were most excited about two new communication tools:
Bill Status Update. A weekly email message will spotlight what bills are being pushed in Pierre and where the legislation is in the process.
Legislative Alerts. The SDDP mail notify you before a significant vote on the issue(s) you’ve identifed as most important to you.
Well, you asked for it, you got it! Starting in January, we’ll launch SDDP Newswire: Legislative Edition, to keep you up to date on session action in Pierre each week. What’s more, we’ll not only closely monitor legislative activity, but promptly send you a brief email alert when there’s important activity related to your issue area.
There are 11 categories to choose from. Select as many as interest you.