Get this. The North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party has laid down a challenge for South Dakotans. They think they can collect more new Facebook fans in the next week than the South Dakota Democratic Party can.
Ha. We don’t think so.
We’ve confidently accepted their challenge! Starting today at 9AM the great Facebook Fan race began, and it will run for one full week, concluding on Tuesday, February 14th, Valentine’s Day.
Our pride is on the line! We can’t let the North Dakota Democratic Party beat us for bragging rights to the “Better Democratic Party of the Dakotas.”
Need a little incentive? Well, here’s my list of 10 reasons for you to “Like” the South Dakota Democratic Party on Facebook:
10. To help us beat North Dakota!9. For up to the minute news and analysis of the issues of the day.8. George McGovern. Enough said.7. For reports on the ludicrous things Republicans say in the SD legislature.6. For [deservedly] snarky posts about Congresswoman Kristi Noem.5. Sometimes, we share pictures of our cats. Ok, we don’t often share pictures of our cats, but we would if you wanted us to! [We’d refer to them as Demo-cats]4. For cool infographics comparing President Obama to President Bush.3. For the interaction with fellow Democrats from across the state.2. For the opportunity to offer your comments about South Dakota policy and politics.1. You’ll have an online Democratic home to come to, no matter how Republican your relatives are!
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Let’s stand up for the South Dakota! Our pride is at stake!