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SDDP Statement on 2016 Election Results

SDDP Statement on 2016 Election Results

SIOUX FALLS – South Dakota Democratic Party issued the following statement today in response to the the results of yesterday’s election.

“The South Dakota Democratic Party congratulates all our great candidates up and down the ballot for working hard to run good, issues-based campaigns that reached out to hundreds of thousands of voters in South Dakota.

“While it wasn’t the results we hoped for, we were able to defeat Referred Law 19, the incumbent protection plan, and Referred Law 20, which would have lowered the minimum wage for young workers. Once again, Democrats showed that when our ideas are on the ballot, the people of South Dakota agree.

“We especially want to congratulate and thank our statewide candidates –  U.S. Senate Candidate Jay Williams, U.S. House Candidate Paula Hawks, and Public Utilities Commission Candidate Henry Red Cloud. Running against well-funded political insiders like John Thune, Kristi Noem, and Chris Nelson is a tall challenge, but our candidates ran smart, energetic campaigns and raised some very important issues. They, and all Democrats, can be proud of the races they ran.

“Democrats had an impressive slate of legislative candidates including a Grammy nominated artist, an escaped hostage of Saddam Hussein, a former gubernatorial cabinet member, along with teachers, health care providers, firefighters, farmers, lawyers, and business leaders. These candidates were moved to run to provide balance and accountability in state government, and Democrats remain committed to that cause. The Democrats elected to the legislature are ready to work across the aisle for the betterment of all South Dakotans.

“Finally, we want to thank our wonderful volunteers who gave their time and their finances to help elect Democrats. Democrats will continue to fight to move our state and nation forward and promote our shared values of rewarding hard work, investing in our children, and expanding opportunity for all.”


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