Democratic Party Presidential Delegate Selection Caucuses will be held in each of South Dakota’s 35 Legislative Districts this Saturday, March 12.
Delegates elected in each Legislative District Caucus on Saturday, March 12, 2016 attend the Statewide Caucus on Saturday, March 19, 2016 in Pierre.
How many may attend the Statewide Caucus from each legislative district? This is determined in each of the 35 legislative districts by the number of votes per district in Nov. of 2012 for President Obama and the July 1, 2015 voter registration of Democrats in the district. Click here to see how many delegates your district can elect.
Who is eligible to participate? Any South Dakota registered Democrat, at least 18 years old on or before the June 7, 2016 primary is eligible to participate.
How many delegates are elected at the Statewide Caucus on March 19th? 14 delegates (7 men and 7 women) will be elected on March 19 for each Presidential Candidate. South Dakota’s “binding primary” means that the Primary Election vote on June 7, 2016 will determine the percentage of delegates seated for each Presidential candidate at the Democratic National Convention.