February 2, 2024
This morning, after a long debate, members on the Senate Taxation Committee passed Sen. Reynold Nesiba’s (District 15) bill to ask voters if they want to repeal the state sales tax on food. There was a lot of discussion over a similar initiated amendment that is currently collecting signatures as well as the temporary sales tax cut that was passed last year. The committee members passed the bill on a 4-2 vote. It now heads to the Senate floor for debate. Sen. Nesiba released the following statement on the passage:
“SJR 510 does three things. First, it takes the state portion of the sales tax on food down to 0%. This means it protects municipalities who can still tax it at 2%. Second, it would raise the temporary sales tax cut from 4.2% back to 4.5% so the state would be revenue neutral. And third, this bill puts the issue on the ballot so that the people of South Dakota can vote on this.
“If you support this bill, please talk to your State Senator over the weekend and ask them to vote for Senate Joint Resolution 510. Thank you.”
For questions, you can contact the SDDP Executive Director Dan Ahlers at or contact the state party office by phone at 605-271-5405 or 605-940-3071.
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